Tutte a casa

Country: Italia
Lenguage: Italiano
Year: 2021

Conceived and written by: Cristina D’Eredità, Giovanna Cane’, Eleonora Marino, Elisa Flaminia Inno, Elettra Pizzi, Nina Baratta, Federica Alderighi, Francesca Zanni, Beatrice Miano, Antonia Fama, Flavia De Strasser, Raffaella De Donato, Rosa Ferro, Elisabetta Galgani, Viola Piccininni, Desiree Marianini

Direction and editing: Nina Baratta, Cristina D’Eredità, Eleonora Marino
Artwork: Chiara Fazzi
Musiche: Silvia Cignoli
Prodotto da: Collettivo Tutte a casa

In collaboration with: Produzioni dal Basso, Il Nuovo Fantarca, 15|06 film, Consiglio regionale della Puglia – Sicurezza del Lavoro, Mujeres nel cinema, Differenza Donna, Stati Generali delle Donne

Distribution: La7D

Online distribution: Movieday


TUTTE A CASA is a documentary made up of video materials, shot with their own cell phones, by women of different social backgrounds and ages, during the health tsunami caused by Covid-19.
TUTTE A CASA shows how, by balancing inspiration, creativity and despair, women have been able to transform themselves, going beyond the restlessness on the rooftops and the applause from the balconies, seeking solutions to constraint, between not-so-smart work and children to manage.
It is a documentary that investigates the reactions of the female soul: what drives us to react? How are we reborn: stronger, more fragile? Or simply different?


“Tutte a casa – Donne, Lavoro, Relazioni ai tempi del Covid-19” is an experimental documentary made up of video diaries that tell how women experience the Covid-19 pandemic. At the beginning of the lockdown, sixteen Italian filmmakers met on a Facebook group dedicated to cinema and decided to join forces, seized by the urgency to document the moment of crisis that was emerging, and created the collective “Tutte a casa”.
On March 17, 2020, the first public call launched on the web by the collective was released. This film is also a process of political and creative experimentation, in which online resources are used to give voice to women in a moment of crisis. To date, the project has over 4,000 contributions from over 150 women.

Visual approach


TUTTE A CASA is a participatory feature film that brings together video materials shot in the first person by very different women, creating contrasts, assonances and references. Personal confessions, moments of observation of everyday life, daring subjective shots are juxtaposed. In a mosaic of lives and faces, the syncopated editing holds together the pieces broken down by the crisis, at the same time opening up to the discontinuity and simultaneity that characterize the language of online communication. The Tutte a casa collective, immersed among the protagonists of the film, also wants to testify how the convergence of digital and technological inserts (text messages on Whatsapp and Facebook, full-screen sequences, slowdowns to mark the difficulty of connection, unexpected stops, zoom chats, etc.) can function as a creative and participatory tool for documentary narration.

The “Tutte A Casa” Collective

Cristina D'Eredità - editor
Giovanna Canè - producer
Eleonora Marino - editor e director
Elisa Flaminia Inno - filmmaker
Elettra Pizzi - producer
Nina Baratta - filmmaker
Federica Alderighi - author e producer
Francesca Zanni - author e director

The collective “Tutte a casa” was born to respond to the urgency of living the present of crisis through the cinematic narration of sixteen women, professionals in the sector, living in Italy, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic. Our challenge was to continue working despite the crisis, creating something useful and representative of the experience we are living. Bound by this urgency, we founded the collective and signed the “Manifesto for participation” that sets out our political and artistic goals for the project, so we started to experiment with how to organize, direct and produce the film remotely, collaborating daily with the characters to co-create the film’s narration. The collective created an open source structure of online interaction, applying tools from bottom-up policies and online communities.

Beatrice Miano - content writer
Antonia Fama - actress e journalist
Flavia De Strasser - director
Raffaella De Donato - communication strategia
Rosa Ferro - media educatorio
Elisabetta Galgani - cultural press office
Viola Piccininni - filmmaker
Desiree Marianini - sinologist e filmmaker


Director’s Notes

A community of women has formed around the project, who daily question themselves about the upheavals of this quarantine in their lives. Self-narration, through the cell phone, becomes a form of self-determination of one’s point of view. The direction is not delegated, but is truly participatory and horizontal, which is why the film is a unique experiment within the panorama of social movies.
The protagonists and directors of the collective “Tutte a casa” discuss each other daily online to co-create the collective story of the pandemic. The video diaries show intimate and original points of view, precisely because they are filmed by women of different backgrounds and origins: doctors, nurses on the front lines, women who have contracted the virus and spend their days in strict isolation from the rest of the family, mothers struggling with their children locked in an apartment, women who have lost their jobs, teachers and students struggling with a new teaching method, teenagers ready to explode.
The film is an intimate and empathetic representation of the experience of women during the Pandemic. Unfiltered, real and raw.

Scene photos


Il Messaggero: “To create this choral female portrait, the authors of the project launch the call and invite to participate in this collective diary written and filmed by multiple hands, through the creation of short video diaries”

Video.corriere.it: “A testimony of reality and daily life turned upside down by the pandemic. From their homes, or from work, for those who have to go there like the nurses, there are many who are contributing to the making of the documentary, a collective female narrative, to generate a story of the historical moment we are living in.”

Mymovies.it: “A proposal already in progress: All at home – Women, Work; Relationships in the time of Covid-19″, is the participatory documentary project conceived by a group of entertainment professionals: documentary makers, screenwriters, playwrights who met in the Facebook group Mujeres nel cinema.”

Ansa: “A collective narrative that is also capable of generating a subsequent reflection on the historical moment we are living in, thus also creating a real archive capable of bearing witness to this fundamental page of our history”.

La 27esima ora, corriere.it: “There is the doctor who came out of intensive care who says: «Today I am happy because we managed to make a patient breathe on his own, disconnected from the machines». There is the mother who explains the coronavirus to her child with a story. There are those who celebrate the privilege of having a terrace to go out and get some air. So many stories”.

Huffingtonpost: “Narrative as a response to a need, therefore, but also as an invitation to find the words to tell a crisis that was unimaginable until recently. Narration to reflect, putting the female point of view at the center at a time when the “official” narrative of the virus is all male.”

Press Review – RADIO

Antonia Fama talks about the documentary “Tutte a casa” on Radio Inblu
Interview with Eleonora Marino about the project on Fahrenheit Radio Rai tre, May 1, 2020

Press Review – TV

Video Interview Cristina D’Eredità, Elisa Inno su Wanted Clan – watch the video

Video Interview TRM h24 – Su Sky al canale 519 – watch the video

Video Interview Radio Cusano TV Italia – watch the video

Video interview in the program “Cinema in atto” su Cinematografo.tv – watch the video

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